For the past six months or so, I’ve been writing a monthly column for Vancouver Family Magazine all about our life’s adventures. (Check out the most recent article from April 1st!) It’s been really fun looking back at everything that it took to get us to this point. But I do have to admit that writing these columns each month has scratched the itch to write for me and I’ve been lacking in getting posts up here on the blog.

But, never fear! We’re getting back out cruising very soon and with new adventures will come new blog posts!

But first, we have to actually get OUT of the marina!!

As I write this, it is April 3rd. We worked our tails off getting everything ready, working hard, and planning to leave the marina on April 1st. Unfortunately, in the process of installing our new solar tower, we accidentally destroyed one of our old panels! It was an awful moment. A split-second mistake that directly cost us $240 to order a replacement panel, and indirectly is still wracking up the fees as we’re now stuck here in the marina, ready to go but postponed until that panel gets delivered.

It looks so wrong to be missing that last panel. I can’t wait to be able to share a full boat picture with the new tower and panels installed!

When we ordered it, it was scheduled to arrive Friday, April 2nd by 8pm. So we resigned ourselves to staying two more nights in the marina. Not a huge deal but every night costs a bit more. Friday arrived though and, as the afternoon hours ticked by, we became more and more concerned that the panel hadn’t yet arrived. Finally, at almost 8pm, the tracking updated to estimate the arrival on Monday, April 5th. Shoot!!

So now our spring cruising departure is postponed even further – likely through Tuesday at least!

It’s a huge bummer on the weekend. We are SO READY to leave this marina and get moving north toward the San Juans again. There are whales all over the place up north – sightings daily! I cannot wait to try to find them.

But, I suppose we’ll roll with the punches and look at it as a sign from the universe to maybe slow down and relax a little bit this weekend. We’ve barely taken a breather in weeks. We had planned to take that respite in Gig Harbor over these next couple of days.

Breathe in the anticipation. Breathe out the nagging annoyance at being forced into a few more paid days dockside. Summer is coming and we’ll be out there on the hook very soon.

Thanks for reading. Thanks for being here. Drop a comment if you’d like to say hi! Adios! ~Rachel