After leaving San Juanico, we wanted to take some time visiting Isla Coronado. We really wanted a chance to show Scott around the popular tourist destination. Lots of people will fly in to the international airport in Loreto for vacation and there are lots of locals that offer tours to the nearby Isla Coronado by panga.
We arrived in the afternoon and, for the first time this year, we all felt like getting in for a ‘swim shower’. The water temp was about 72 degrees and, after an initial cold reaction, we adjusted and everybody enjoyed an invigorating, and somewhat brief, swim.
Other than that, we opted not to drop the dinghy to head to shore that evening. We were all tired from the day of travel. We cooked dinner and relaxed for the evening, and we were rewarded with a glorious sunset that night.

Day Two: Inland Hike and North Beach
The next day, we dropped the dinghy early and went in to check out the island before the day’s tourist pangas started to crowd the beach. We hiked part of the way inland before I accidentally kicked a rock and hurt my toe. The day was starting to warm up anyway, so we headed back to the beach and took the dinghy back out to Mosaic.

We spent the heat of the day working, doing school, and generally avoiding the crowded beaches. Waiting until the tour crowd left for the day, we took the dinghy out. We took our chairs and went to check out one of the smaller side beaches that we’d never been to before, and we stayed until sunset. It was a nice little spot.

Day Three: Isla Coronado South Beach
The next day, we met up with SV Foreigner- friends of ours from last year cruising in the Sea of Cortez. They had picked up guests that day in Loreto and decided on visiting Isla Coronado with them, and to come see us. Our kids and their son were SUPER stoked to be reunited!
We walked the short hike to the southern beach and met up with the Foreigner crew there. The kids played and we explored the beach and got caught up with each other.

We found these amazing shell fossils (?) in the sandstone-like rock of the beach. They were everywhere! And really cool.

And, again, the sunset that evening was gorgeous.

The following day, we split ways with Foreigner. They were off to show their guests some of their favorite spots around the Loreto area.
We sailed down to Isla Danzante to anchor in Honeymoon Cove. It would be our final anchorage before heading in to Puerto Escondido where Scott would disembark from Mosaic and fly back home to the States. More on that, soon.