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When we had a good weather window to leave San Carlos and cross the Sea of Cortez back to Baja California Sur, we aimed Mosaic for our favorite anchorage in Bahia Concepcion: Santo Domingo. We LOVE this anchorage at the mouth of Bahia Concepcion because it’s wide open, very easy to anchor in, offers shallow-but-deep-enough depths for miles, and offers much more seclusion ashore when compared to the more popular anchorages at Santispac and further south in Bahia Concepcion.
We also caught our first Mahi Mahi of the season on that crossing from San Carlos to Santo Domingo. We’d purchased and installed a new Magma fish cleaning station before leaving and it was really nice to have a dedicated spot to filet the fish after many a sore back from fileting a catch while bent over on the cramped side deck. This was a much better experience!
Sadly, because we were trying to get south to the La Cruz/Puerto Vallarta area as quickly as possibly without doing a multi-day passage, we didn’t stay to enjoy Santo Domingo. We literally arrived at sunset, slept, and left at dawn the next day. But, even so, we had an epic time as we were met by an enormous pod of friendly and playful dolphins upon our arrival!
This was a dolphin encounter of epic proportions! We had DOZENS of dolphins that came and played in the bow wake as we approached the anchorage. And many dozens more playfully leaping out of the water all around the boat. There was likely well over a hundred dolphins, BIG dolphins, in the group that greeted us. And the ones that came to play at the bow stayed for around a half hour. It was an amazing finish to a long day of motoring across the sea. We cooked up that Mahi and had fish tacos for dinner before going to bed.

The following morning, Friday the 8th of December, we left at dawn and headed down the coast to San Juanico where we planned to ride out the strong north winds of the next incoming norther. We also caught another Mahi Mahi, so we had mahi for dinner two nights in a row. Truly something I could get used to!
More on our time in San Juanico soon! Thanks for reading. ~Rachel